Quantcast Vegetarian Star“USA Today” Pop Candy Loves “Dirt Candy”

“USA Today” Pop Candy Loves “Dirt Candy”

Written by Vegetarian Star on August 30th, 2012 in Books, Food & Drink.

Dirt Candy A Cookbook

USA Today’s Whitney Mattheson was surprised at the content of Amanda Cohen‘s Dirt Candy. She expected a traditional book filled with recipes and a few cute cartoons. She was pleasantly surprised to learn the book is a mix of both, including some facts and history more exciting than licking a spoon covered with wasabi like the “scandalous history of the graham cracker.”

“I expected Dirt Candy, illustrated by Ryan Dunlavey, to lean pretty heavily on recipes, bolstered by the occasional graphic illustration,” writes Mattheson in USA Today’s Pop Candy. “To my surprise/delight, the book is about half and half: While Cohen does devote a good portion to the dishes, she also spends about 50% of the pages discussing (and showing) how her restaurant came together.”

Read her entire review at USA Today.

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