Quantcast Vegetarian StarAerosmith “Global Warming” Tour Featuring Sea Shepherd

Steven Tyler

A classic rock band with a catchy tour name is the perfect way to educate about conserving the Earth’s ecosystems.

That’s the idea Sea Shepherd had when it decided to join Steven Tyler and the rest of the Aerosmith band for a few select tour dates.

During the month of August, members from the Sea Shepherd crew will be present at a table during the shows, available to discuss everything on protecting and conserving the oceans.

See below for the dates where you’ll find Sea Shepherd doing some Amazing work.

Aug 1 – Pepsi Center — Denver, CO
Aug 4 — Oracle Arena — Oakland, CA
Aug 6 — Hollywood Bowl — Los Angeles, CA
Aug 8 — Tacoma Dome — Tacoma, WA


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One Response to “Aerosmith “Global Warming” Tour Featuring Sea Shepherd”

  1. wind generator Says:

    Ola! Vegetarianstar,
    I was wondering on a similar note,, I can’t discover it on their site. I understand the actual concert begins at 8PM. However when does the backstage stuff result? Before or following the show? I have backstage passes and have to know whenever the backstage stuff starts. The concert I am going to is the Global Warming Tour Aerosmith Concert inside Dallas TX at the American Airlines Center
    BTW great blogpost