Quantcast Vegetarian StarTNT “Rizzoli And Isles” Tackles Environmental Activism

Rizzoli and Isles

A recent episode of TNT’s Rizzoli & Isles, a crime-drama series starring Angie Harmon and Sasha Alexander as police detective and medical examiner, tackled the issue of fracking.

An ex-Blackwater agent pretends to be a yoga guru to infiltrate the world of activists. He kills both a vegan and a professor who has spoken out against the fracking industry.

The episode had discussion of the practice, also known as hydraulic fracturing, interwoven between regular prime-time conversation.

“Fracking is an invasive way to extract natural gas,” the slain professor was heard saying in a video.

“Proponents say it will liberate the U.S. from dependence on foreign oil. But, my research indicates it will destroy the environment.”

Dr. Isles, the medical examiner, agreed with this opinion, stating, “they pump hundreds of chemicals thousands of feet underground. It pollutes groundwater.”

Heck, even the murderer may think the professor was correct. Or it could be taken as a sarcastic comment, given the fact he had tied Rizzoli and Isles in a car parked in a spillway in an attempt to murder them too.

“A few million gallons of water’s gonna come pouring through here. It’s pretty toxic, from all the fracking,” he said.

The Natural Resources Defense Council published a blog post that said, “Opponents of such regulation [of fracking] claim that hydraulic fracturing has never caused any drinking water contamination. They say this because incidents of drinking water contamination where hydraulic fracutring is considered as a suspected cause have not been sufficiently investigated.”

An alternative solution to banning fracking is to explore waterless fracking, but the idea has been slow to be accepted.

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One Response to “TNT “Rizzoli And Isles” Tackles Environmental Activism”

  1. Rhea Says:

    In this episode, they could not have been more demeaning regarding the victim who was vegan and an environmentalist. My guess is that stems from the actors themselves who are well-known conservatives. Every reference to the victim’s being vegan was said with contempt and sarcasm. And this was a murder victim. The episode was in extremely poor taste.