Quantcast Vegetarian StarBetty Crocker Cauliflower Chickpea Power Tacos

Betty Crocker Cauliflower Chickpea Power Tacos

Written by Vegetarian Star on May 1st, 2012 in Food & Drink, Recipes.

Betty Crocker Cauliflower Power Taco

How do you plan to celebrate Cinco de Mayo this weekend?

If your ideas include purchasing cheap tortilla chips from the gas station and buying some cheap, off-brand guacamole spread you think is vegan, but actually contains milk, it’s time to take some advice from one of the biggest names in home cooking, Betty Crocker.

The company has unveiled “Feed Your Fiesta: 5 Tacos. 5 Margaritas. 5 de Mayo,” five tacos paired with five margaritas based on today’s trends in food. As it has in the past, Betty Crocker recognizes vegetarianism as being one of those hottest trends and has included a vegan taco that also happens to be gluten-free, paired with Frozen Mango COCOritas.

According to Aaron Lichtig, Google Food & Beverage Category Account Executive, Mexican cuisine isn’t just hot because of the salsa. It has been the “most-searched for ethnic cuisine in the US since 2010, with total queries growing about 35% since 2008.”

If you avoid the Americanized version of Mexican food–which often is loaded with meat, lard and dairy–and stick to traditional staples of low-fat vegetarian beans, rice, fruits and vegetables, you’ll not only reap the health benefits of lean protein, fiber and vitamins, you may even beat some diseases like cancer.

“Veggie lovers will devour this new take on a vegetarian taco filled with roasted cauliflower, crispy chickpeas and flavorful cilantro pesto,” writes Betty Crocker in a press release.

Grab the recipe for Cauliflower Power Tacos and for more margarita ideas, visit Bettycrocker.com/cinco.

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