Quantcast Vegetarian StarStarbucks Gets The Bugs Out Strawberry Drinks

Starbucks Gets The Bugs Out Strawberry Drinks

Written by Vegetarian Star on April 19th, 2012 in Business, Food & Drink.


Soon vegetarians and vegans can have their strawberry frappucinos and smoothies sans insects.

Starbucks has announced that it will phase out the use of cochineal extract, an ingredient obtained from a female bug, and switch to lycopene, a plant-based coloring derived from tomatoes, for its strawberry flavored frappucinos and smoothies.

When the drinks were first unveiled, they were touted as vegan-friendly. However, it was recently discovered that bug-dye has been present since the flavor was introduced. Starbucks justified this by saying it didn’t want to use artificial ingredients.

According to Fox News, Starbucks will introduce the new coloring by the end of June, making it the perfect time to enjoy a truly vegan drink as the weather warms.

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2 Responses to “Starbucks Gets The Bugs Out Strawberry Drinks”

  1. Ferne Chryst Says:

    Lycopene can be found in tomatoes and i specially love tomatoes because of its nice taste. Lycopene can prevent cancer.’,,”;

    Best regards http://foodsupplementdigest.com/vitamin-d3-deficiency/

  2. 10 Gross Ingredients That You Are Eating Everyday Says:

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