Quantcast Vegetarian StarJason Mraz “In Search Of Food” That’s Raw And Vegan

Jason Mraz

Jason Mraz is set to appear on an episode of Ovation TV’s In Search of Food.

The show features host Scott Pampuch taking on a different adventure each week where he explores the food movement that seeks to answer the origins of a meal and the processes to get it to the table.

In its second season, In Search of Food will have Pampuch looking at the farm, crops, free-range animals, the money involved in providing food to school children on a budget, teaching a family how to prepare healthier food and finding the best local produce.

He will also stop by for a little celebrity fun with Mraz.

Mraz, who owns an avocado farm on his property, has challenged Pampuch to cook a raw vegan meal on the April 18 episode.

The three-part series of In Search of Food is April 16, 17 and 18 at 6 p.m. Ovation is on Comcast channel 345 and Direct TV channel 274.

Photo: Steve Jurvetson/Creative Commons

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