Quantcast Vegetarian StarRelient K’s Ethan Luck Blogs His Vegetarian Experiences

Relient K’s Ethan Luck Blogs His Vegetarian Experiences

Written by Vegetarian Star on September 30th, 2011 in Food & Drink, Male Musicians.

Ethan Luck Relient K

Relient K’s Ethan Luck started a blog with his wife and a friend that details all their vegetarian adventures.

“So many people would ask questions about how we make things or why or how we started being vegan,” Luck told Peta2.  “We’ll take pictures of everything we make and post on the blog–the recipe, how to make it, ingredients, everything.”

Meat Free From Tennessee

“We’ve gotten good feedback. A few people [have been] trying out and making what we make, so it’s really fun.”

Meat Free From Tennesse gives regular updates about restaurants visited, recipes attempted, ramblings about meals and enticing photos from the experiences.

The site places the recipes and photos into categories of breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert and appetizers.

There is also an area for fans to ask questions about the vegetarian experience.

Check out MeatFreeFromTennesse for more.

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