Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Monday Recipe–BET’s Lentil Tacos

Lentil Tacos

BET, also known as Black Entertainment Television, is a Viacom-owned cable network targeting issues related to African-Americans and has aired popular shows like The Wendy Williams Show, Keyshia Cole’s reality TV series and The Michael Vick Project.

The network’s online component celebrates Meatless Mondays and has included delicious recipes like Sesame Tofu with Eggplant, Spring Green Salad and today’s Meatless Monday recipe, Lentil Tacos.

These tacos pack a decent 12 grams of vegan protein but carry only 265 calories and absolutely no animal products. Although the recipe doesn’t call for it, these lentil tacos can be made even more exciting by adding your favorite soy, rice or nut cheese and topping them with vegan sour cream.

Good to see BET taking the Meatless Monday plunge. There’s no doubt many of its 90 million viewers already have or are planning to adopt the lifestyle many African-American celebrities like John Salley and Forest Whitaker have done.

Grab the recipe for Lentil Tacos at BET.

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