Quantcast Vegetarian StarColdplay Rocks Glastonbury Festival With Gluten-Free, Veggie Dips

Coldplay rocked the popular British Glastonbury Festival this weekend and The Mirror is reporting that the band requested vegetarian, gluten-free dips for their backstage buffet.

The online tabloid jokes the band’s choice of food was “anti rock n’ roll” and a “waste,” but those that “Vida La Vida” like vegetarian frontman Chris Martin know the best way to single, double or even triple dip is with anything green and crunchy.

If Martin had munched on those carrots and celery in front of audience that night, he might have converted one or two omivores. Researchers who used a “celebrity index” to measure the influence stars had on persuading people to live greener found Martin was one of the top 10 celebrities to have the most power to raise awareness about environmental issues.

Anti rock’n’ roll? Nah.

Eating leaner, saving an animal and reducing your impact on the earth does nothing but rock!

Photo: PR Photos

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