Quantcast Vegetarian StarHenry Rollins To Host “Underworld” Exotic Animal Show On National Geographic

Henry Rollins

When it comes to the relationship between humans and animals, exotic animals may get the worst end of the deal.

Whether it’s being kept–sometimes illegally–in an unnatural environment as a pet or road show exhibit or on a hit list for the myths it will cure some medical problem, when the exotic animal makes the news, it–unfortunately–usually isn’t for something good.

The pescatarian and musician Henry Rollins will be the host of a National Geographic show that will highlight humans and their interactions with exotic animals, Underworld.

Underworld is focusing heavily on the consumption of exotic animals, but there is also a message it wants to promote between featuring tarantula munching mothers and snake-sipping sisters: the illegal world of animal trade is one that’s never entertaining.

“It’s really an investigation into our relationship with animals,” said senior vice president of National Geographic, Geoff Daniels. “It’s covering the full range from the off-beat and quirky to the potentially illicit. And our approach to (the latter) is to make sure that we’re obviously not encouraging that behavior.”

From letting chimps sleep and bathe with you that eventually attack and disfigure humans to keeping cats weighing several hundred pounds that ruin the downstairs neighbor’s apartment when it doesn’t use the litter box, sometimes it’s better to interact with an exotic through your remove control and the National Geographic channel.

Photo: PR Photos

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