Quantcast Vegetarian StarFoo Fighters Tour Rider–Yes To Vegetarian Food, No To Pubic Hair

Foo Fighters

The Foo Fighters aren’t complete vegetarian haters.

After all, they didn’t turn down and even praised the winning vegan cornbread stuffing during a guest chef appearance on Top Chef.

But in a comical, 52-page tour rider containing animated drawings, funny lists and other satirical written material, the band jokingly reminds staff to remember their vegetarian crew members who unfortunately, weren’t gotten rid of by “the crusades.”

These instructions are included with menu no-nos, which include “pubic hair,” and punishments for not following instructions, which including receiving a wedgie.

“Vegetarians. Yep. The Crusades didn’t rid the world of them, so we have to pretend to care… Chicken is not a vegetarian food. Neither is fish. In fact, if you considered chicken or fish vegetarian, please fire yourself.”

Hey, at least Dave Grohl and the guys know what is and what isn’t acceptable for vegetarians. Points for that.

Points taken away, however, for even mentioning stocking bottled water vs. providing reusable mugs.

The band has issued a ban on Dasani, Aquafina and Evian, but other brands may be admitted.

Let’s hope the allowed, not punishable by wedgie water at least comes in recycled, “less plastic used” containers.

Pictures and highlights from the rider, to be used on the tour to promote the band’s latest album, Wasting Light, can be viewed at The Smoking Gun.

Photo: PR Photos

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One Response to “Foo Fighters Tour Rider–Yes To Vegetarian Food, No To Pubic Hair”

  1. Foo Fighters Ask for Vegetarian Food in Humorous Rider | ecorazzi.com :: the latest in green gossip Says:

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