Quantcast Vegetarian Star“National Culinary Review” Takes Soy Seriously

“National Culinary Review” Takes Soy Seriously

Written by Vegetarian Star on June 14th, 2011 in Food & Drink.

National Culinary Review

The National Culinary Review, a source for over 22,000 chefs and culinary professionals, has featured an article on vegetarianism for its June 2011 issue.

Chef George Formaro of Des Moines, Iowa is quoted on how to make the most of soy, particularly tempeh.

Formaro’s 9-year old daughter is a vegetarian and the chef recently embarked on a vegan diet to help him create a vegetarian burger that will be featured in his restaurant, Zombie Burger + Drink Lab, set to open in Des Moines in August.

“The trick is to make vegetarian food interesting,” Formaro said.

The article describes how Formaro creates tempeh sausage:

He crumbles tempeh, sautes it in a bit of olive oil and adds a sausage/spice blend with ground chilies, ground fennel, garlic and a few other spices. He cooks it with some water to let the flavor penetrate the tempeh, then adds tomato sauce and continues cooking. His secret for an extra-meaty flavor is to add a tiny splash of soy sauce.

Another chef’s description of how to make soy sauce is also included in the issue.

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