Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Women’s Day” Magazine Features 6 Vegan Meat Substitutes

“Women’s Day” Magazine Features 6 Vegan Meat Substitutes

Written by Vegetarian Star on May 25th, 2011 in Food & Drink.

Woman's Day

An established magazine aimed at women containing health, nutrition and beauty advice, Women’s Day, has featured an article on vegan protein on its online component to the magazine.

“6 Easy-to-Prepare Meat Substitutes” ditches traditionally thought of vegetarian proteins like low-fat dairy products and suggests high-protein plant substitutes for meat like seitan, tempeh, tofu and beans.

Ann Gentry, owner of vegan Raw Food Daily restaurants in the Los Angeles area, was interviewed for the article for her expertise.

“Just as you’d do with chicken and red meat, you have to do something with [tofu] to give it flavor,” Gentry said.

“Marinate it in things like tamari or mirin (sweet rice wine), and then it can be cut and broiled, sautéed, grilled or fried…or coat it with flour and nuts, like almonds or pecans, similar to a cutlet.”

Hear what Gentry has to say about portabello mushrooms, seitan and more and Women’s Day.

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