Quantcast Vegetarian StarNo “Lame Duck” On Rep. Brian Baird’s Meat-Free Holiday Menu

Brian Baird

Brian Baird

You not likely to meet a vegan who doesn’t know that Ohio representative Dennis Kucinich won’t be eating turkey today. But there are some vegetarian and vegan politicians who aren’t as vocal about their diets, or at least haven’t gotten as much media coverage.

One of Washington’s Democratic representatives Brian Baird, who’s wrapping up a 12-year run in Congress this year, told Politico he too will be seeking dinner options that go easier on the ecosystems.

“I’m a vegetarian,” Baird said. “Last year, a friend of ours who is a vegan gourmet chef cooked for us. We’ll be enjoying lots of delicious meat-free dishes, which is better for the planet and the animals.”

Fantastic! Keep the “lame-duck” off the table so it can scramble to tie up loose ends during the last few days of the session.

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