Quantcast Vegetarian StarWin Fresh, Hand Delivered Earth Balance Soymilk Coupon

Win Fresh, Hand Delivered Earth Balance Soymilk Coupon

Written by Vegetarian Star on September 8th, 2010 in Food & Drink, Giveaways.

Milk with edamame

In the good ol’ days, fresh milk was delivered to your doorstep that came from a cow in someone’s backyard that roamed freely and wasn’t on any numerous “roids” designed to get her pumping faster.

Those days are gone, but Vegetarian Star is putting a twist on milk delivery in 2010.

Get soymilk delivered to your door. Enter the contest to win one of four coupons for a free carton of Earth Balance’s new vegan, organic, non-GMO Project Verified soymilk that comes in original, chocolate, vanilla and unsweetened.

The coupon doesn’t get any fresher, as it’s hand delivered by the mailman (or mailwoman). You still have to (hopefully, in the interest of being green) bike or walk to Whole Foods to redeem it though.


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One Response to “Win Fresh, Hand Delivered Earth Balance Soymilk Coupon”

  1. Eric Van Raepenbusch Says:

    Thanks for the having the contest!