Quantcast Vegetarian StarLaura Bailey Runs Ethical And Fashionable With Stella McCartney Adidas

If you live in the neighborhood of British model Laura Bailey, you might see her jogging down the street in her Stella McCartney sportswear before grabbing a bite of granola bar, a handful of nuts or maybe even chowing down on her favorite pasta. Bailey said it doesn’t matter what she eats, as long as it’s not animal.

“I try to choose foods that make me as healthy and energetic as possible. I’m a strict vegetarian but I eat everything else, and I like a glass of wine. I’m certainly not preachy or perfect!”

Bailey wears outfits designed by ethical designer Stella McCartney.

“My running kit is Adidas by Stella McCartney. It’s chic but practical; I love it.”

Stella McCartney’s sports attire features everything from the basic and practical to the chic and girlie. You won’t necessarily find pink on every outfit, but they’re not exactly masculine either. The Women’s Run Performance Tee, for example, resembles the top half of something that could be worn on a night on the town with its dressy pleated sleeves and cinched in waist fit. Plus, there CLIMALITE fabric to whisk sweat away from your body.

For night runs, we’ve already introduced you to Stella’s glow in the dark selections, including leather-free running shoes.

Visit Adidas in both the US and UK sites to view more sportswear by this designer.

Photo: PR Photos

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