Ted Nugent Uses C’Mere Deer, No Get’Way Idiot Repellant Available
Written by Vegetarian Star on August 19th, 2010 in Animal Issues, Male Musicians, Male Singers.
Ted Nugent exercised his brilliance by shooting a young buck in front of thousands of people on his hunting show, Spirit of the Wild. He manged to escape charges for this, but didn’t get away with using bait to kill a deer, something legal in some states, but not in California.
The musician who’s a gun rights advocate and has made disparaging statements about vegetarians in the past was fined $1,750 and pleaded no contest to the Department of Fish and Game charges in a Yuba County Superior Court.
The bait Nugent used is called C’Mere Deer, which, according to the product’s website, “has a secret blend of plant and root extract that is unique by design; as are the results! Extensive research has gone into which plant and root extracts the deer prefer. The unique blend appeals to deer 365 days a year when applied to grains, fruits, nuts or any plant and green vegetation that deer forage on.”
Nugent probably smears a similar type of product on his body, thinking he’ll attract the female species. Unfortunately, no company has put R & D into any Get’Way Nugent repellent to counteract this.
Photo: PR Photos
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