Quantcast Vegetarian StarVida Guerra Jayde Nicole–Who Would You [Veggie Dog Day Edition]

Everyone could use a big wiener now and then. That’s why Peta brought models to Washington, D.C. dressed in veggie bikini wear to pass out faux hot dogs during National Hot Dog Month–without the animal protein. Last year, Playmate Jayde Nicole served up soy dogs and fixings, while this year model Vida Guerra gave the event some extra spice as she dressed in a swimsuit with dangling peppers and offered chili dogs to passersby on Capitol Hill.

It doesn’t get any more patriotic than this.

Between the two champs trying to save the country from processed meats, cancer and heart attacks…Who would you rather…

Vida Guerra

Jayde Nicole

Who Would You Rather Do Veggie Burger Lunch With?

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