Quantcast Vegetarian StarVida Guerra Serves Veggie Dogs On Rainy Capitol (Photos)

Vida Guerra Serves Veggie Dogs On Rainy Capitol (Photos)

Written by Vegetarian Star on July 15th, 2010 in Food & Drink, Models.

Mens Magazine Model Vida Guerra hands out veggie chili dogs outside the Rayburn House office building during National Veggie Dog Day as an answer to the meat industry's 'National Hot Dog Month' on July 14, 2010 in Washington DC (photo by Mark Wilkins / Meet The Famous) Photo via Newscom Model Vida Guerra spiced things up on Capitol Hill yesterday when she and a fellow bikini clad woman with real chili peppers dangling from their outfits served approximately 600 veggie hot dogs to celebrate National Veggie Hot Dog Month, created to counteract National Hot Dog Month, both occurring during July. A little rain didn’t stop some hungry hot dog lovers (or FHM model Guerra lovers) from visiting the stand where they received a mouthful of education too. “Free vegetarian chili dogs are a fun and delicious way to let people know that we can pig out on hot dogs without causing actual pigs to suffer,” said Lauren Stroyeck from PETA, according to Axcessnews. “Abuse is inherently un-American, and it’s important to encourage even congressmen to protect the environment by going vegetarian.”

Stryojeck mentioned that a vegetarian diet decreases the chance of heart disease, stroke and other medical illnesses linked to saturated fat and cholesterol in meat diets.  “I feel really healthy, and it works on so many different levels, including the condition of my skin,” Guerra said. Mens Magazine Model Vida Guerra hands out veggie chili dogs outside the Rayburn House office building during National Veggie Dog Day as an answer to the meat industry's 'National Hot Dog Month' on July 14, 2010 in Washington DC (photo by Mark Wilkins / Meet The Famous) Photo via Newscom

Mens Magazine Model Vida Guerra hands out veggie chili dogs outside the Rayburn House office building during National Veggie Dog Day as an answer to the meat industry's 'National Hot Dog Month' on July 14, 2010 in Washington DC (photo by Mark Wilkins / Meet The Famous) Photo via Newscom Mens Magazine Model Vida Guerra hands out veggie chili dogs outside the Rayburn House office building during National Veggie Dog Day as an answer to the meat industry's 'National Hot Dog Month' on July 14, 2010 in Washington DC (photo by Mark Wilkins / Meet The Famous) Photo via Newscom

Mens Magazine Model Vida Guerra hands out veggie chili dogs outside the Rayburn House office building during National Veggie Dog Day as an answer to the meat industry's 'National Hot Dog Month' on July 14, 2010 in Washington DC (photo by Mark Wilkins / Meet The Famous) Photo via Newscom

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