Quantcast Vegetarian StarMiss Scotland Nicola Mimnagh Would Love A Veggie Chow Mein Recipe

Nicola Mimnagh Miss Scotland

Nicola Mimnagh Miss Scotland

The newly crowned Miss Scotland, Nicola Mimnagh, is a 5’11” beauty queen who isn’t afraid to mess up her face.

She’s been boxing for 15 years, a sport she plans to continue during her reign as a way to stay fit between public appearances. One could guess she fills up on vegetarian Chinese food before delivering the punches to her opponent. Mimnagh told The Sun, “I also have a real weak spot in Chinese food. I can’t get enough of vegetarian chow-mein. I’m the takeaway queen.”

Take-out is awesome, but if you’re in the middle of a bean bag punch routine at home, it might be a bit much to make it to the Chinese drive-through, so why not make your own Chow Mein?

Homemade chow mein noodles can be deliciously crafted from Udon noodles, thick pasta made of wheat flour.

Noodles are cooked according to package instructions, then drained and deep fried briefly until they’re golden brown. After cooling, the crunchy batches can be broken up to resemble the smaller La Choy brand variety you’ll find on the grocery shelves.

Since you cooked them, you’ll know what goes in them and what doesn’t–like partially hydrogenated or trans-fat containing oil. The noodles can be tossed over salad or into soup with vegetables.

Start off by trying this recipe from Eden Foods. The results will be a total knock out!

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