Quantcast Vegetarian StarFrankenburger Scary Threesome Of McDonald’s, Wendy’s, Burger King



The KFC Double Down and McGangburger have had their 15 minutes of fame. Now the Frankenburger is hoping to win the hearts (by literally stopping them) of people with it’s trio of McDonald’s, Wendy’s and Burger King food components.

Unlike other “killer” meat sandwich combos, the Frankenburger is not simply of piling of several patties of dead flesh onto a bun. Rather it takes the meat, cheese, vegetables, fries and other ingredients from several fast food meals to create the “perfect” burger. We are already salivating at a vegan version. Here is the formula for disaster, from Village Voice.

“1 Whopper bun + Big Mac Special Sauce + 1 serving Whopper vegetables + 1 slice Wendy’s Half-Pound Double cheese + 2 Wendy’s Half-Pound Double patties + 1 handful Wendy’s fries = The Frankenburger.”

We are thinking Amy’s California Burgers make a nice cowless start. The vegan special sauce can be created using a little vegan mayonnaise and French dressing, plus some other spices. Teese or Follow Your Heart Cheese, a handful of Alexia Olive Oil and Sea Salt fries to top things off and as Emeril would say, BAM!

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