Quantcast Vegetarian StarBonnaroo VIP Food Menu Features Farmers Market, Organic Produce

Bonnaroo VIP Food Menu Features Farmers Market, Organic Produce

Written by Vegetarian Star on June 9th, 2010 in Food & Drink.

MANCHESTER, TN - JUNE 13:  General view of the atmosphere during Bonnaroo 2009 on June 13, 2009 in Manchester, Tennessee.  (Photo by Katie Stratton/Getty Images)

The 2010 Bonnaroo Music Festival taking place June 10-13 promises to placate vegetarians with the selection of food vendors, says the event’s website.

“Food vendors are located all throughout the campgrounds, and there are TONS of food options – more than enough to accommodate the pickiest of tastes. Carnivores and Vegetarians have no fear!”

For those willing to pay a higher price, the VIP Food Menu is featuring healthy whole grain pasta and sustainable produce sourced from local Farmers Markets.

The VIP Menu states the Farmer’s Market self-serve station will feature, “Fresh, locally-grown organic produce prepared in various healthful ways without meat.”

The VIP Food Program is a combination of self-serve and chef prepared meals and includes lunch and dinner on Friday, Saturday and Sunday of the festival and is available for $194.50 per person plus any service fees.

Sustainable produce is just a fraction of the steps the festival is taking in greening the experience, which includes donating food, using recycled materials, taking patrol cars off the road and more, which can be viewed here.

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