Quantcast Vegetarian StarPETA Wants To Scare Meat Eaters At Amityville House On Ocean Ave.

Amityville Horror House

PETA is looking to lease the home on Ocean Avenue in Amityville, New York that inspired the 1977 book, “The Amityville Horrors.”

“In our horror house, the sound of slaughterhouse blades whirring while animals scream for their lives would play over loudspeakers.” Tracy Reiman, vice-president of PETA wrote in a letter to the present owners of the home.

“Visitors would be able to see animatronic hens struggling for space inside tiny battery cages and lifelike “fish” gasping for air as they slowly suffocate on the deck of a fishing boat.”

On onsite vegetarian cafe would also feature mock meats, such as fake ribs and faux chicken.

The home was where six members of the DeFeo family were found shot dead in 1974, and the eldest son Ronald DeFeo Jr. was convicted of the murders. George and Kathy Lutz moved in a few years later and reported several paranormal events that could not be explained.

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One Response to “PETA Wants To Scare Meat Eaters At Amityville House On Ocean Ave.”

  1. Arckoo Says:

    I don’t see how this will help animals. People who still eat meat and are looking for their first steps into vegetarianism will never go to something like this to convince them to make that first step. I quess if you’re already a vegetarian and you like torturing yourself it could be a ‘fun’ day out.

    I understand what they’re trying to do, but this idea is okay in theory, but not for real!