Quantcast Vegetarian StarJosh Dorfman “Lazy Environmentalist”–Less Meat Makes Difference

Josh Dorfman "Lazy Environmentalist"

Josh Dorfman "Lazy Environmentalist"

Josh Dorfman just kicked off season 2 of his Sundance Channel show The Lazy Environmentalist where he dispenses tips for those looking to green their lives.

Some obvious, some unconventional, not every piece of green advice is worth giving and if everyone spent hours a day calculating the footprint of every move made, we’d never make it out the door for work.

“We don’t dispense green advice without really evaluating whether it’s worth it,” Dorfman said in a recent interview with Popstar.

One lifestyle change Dorfman does think is worthwhile is adding more vegetarian meals to your diet.

When asked by The Daily Green “What one habit can Americans change to make a difference?” Dorfman answered, “Eat less meat. I’m not saying turn vegetarian, which can be a politically charged word, just don’t eat meat, maybe one day a week. Like adopt a meatless Tuesday. It will save money and make you healthier.”

It may be a lot easier to get an 88-year old woman to eat pasta with no meatballs than to sell her an eco coffin in preparation for her funeral, as Josh tries to do on this season’s show.

Josh also recommends eating organic for the best sports performance, and he attempts to green the national taekwondo championship by converting the champions to a diet of such.

Was the change welcomed or received with a swift kick to the face?

Tune in on Tuesdays at 8PM on the Sundance Channel to find out!

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