Quantcast Vegetarian StarTara Smith Launches Vegan “Tara Smith Hair Care Range”

Tara Smith Hair Products Launch

Celebrity stylist Tara Smith has launched a line of vegan hair care products in the United States.

The Tara Smith Hair Care Range kicked off a cocktail party with Donna Karan yesterday in New York City.

Besides being free of animal derivatives, the products are also free of parabens, sodium laureth sulphates, glycols, artificial coloring and synthetic fragrances, big no-nos from the Cosmetic Database list due to their possible allergic and other health reactions.

“I think people shouldn’t be nervous and they have to understand that it’s going to feel different because the products don’t contain all of those harsh chemicals,” Smith said of the products, which range from $5.95-$9.95.

Smith has styled locks of celebrities like Demi Moore and the actresses of Sex and the City.

She studied for two years with Dr. Roger Barr, a chemist who lent his knowledge to other animal and earth friendly companies like The Body Shop.

Already a favorite in the UK, the Tara Smith Hair Care range has the slogan, “Tested on film stars, not on animals.”

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