Quantcast Vegetarian StarKelly Osbourne Will Do Justin Bieber If Canada Seal Hunt Cancelled

Odd Molly Flagship Store Opening

Kelly Osbourne will do Justin Bieber if Canada stops clubbing seals.

Ahem, she will do an impression of Bieber’s performance, that is.

She was recently quoted as saying, “Canada, if you cancel the seal hunt, I will dress up like Justin Bieber and sing one of his songs on YouTube.”

The Humane Society of the United States reports that many Newfoundland sealers are willing to consider a federal buyout of the sealing industry that would compensate them for lost revenue and develop economic alternatives if the hunt is closed completely.

It would great if the other half of them would be so terrified of watching a continuous play video of a Justin Bieber lookalike, they’d immediately throw their clubs away.

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