Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Mouthful–Andy Hurley On Earth Crisis Band Influence

Los Premios MTV 2009 - Show

“Earth Crisis is one of my favorite bands ever. They are the reason why I am vegan and straight edge. The origins of most of my philosophical/political beliefs come from them introducing me to a whole new way of thinking. When I was asked to fill in on the upcoming tour, I was beyond stoked. It felt like being called up to the major league, and I think that this will be the most fun I will have on a tour. Be sure to come check it out because this is a band whose songs beat in my heart and who have never forgotten how to write brutally awesome songs.”

Andy Hurley, on how the vegan, straight edge metal band Earth Crisis changed his life. Hurley will be joining the band that promotes animal rights and a vegan lifestyle shortly after it starts up its next tour on April 22.

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