Quantcast Vegetarian StarDeirdre Imus Haiti Kids-Love-Kids Bags With Organic Treats

Deirdre Imus Haiti Kids-Love-Kids Bags With Organic Treats

Written by Vegetarian Star on April 5th, 2010 in Children, Food & Drink.

2nd Annual NOFA-NY Luncheon - New York City

Deirdre Imus has collaborated with Operation Goody Bag Founder, Jane Cosco, to send healthy, non-toxic goody bags to children affected by the devastating earthquakes in Haiti earlier this year.

Kids-Love-Kids program has already sent 700 bags to Haiti and another shipment of 5,000 will be sent in April.

Cosco has been sending bags to troops for quite some time, but the vegetarian and environmentally conscious Imus wanted to step it up a notch and ensure the children were getting the best treats.

“We put organic lollipops, organic, gluten-free Yummy Bears, organic gum, organic granola bars, teddy bears, coloring books in French and English and non-toxic crayons inside the bags, which cost only $4 to produce,” Imus said.

“What’s so great about the program is that its easy and it doesn’t cost a lot of money to do. For $4 you can send a goody bag to a child in Haiti. The idea for Kids-Love-Kids is that this is a little thing we can do to let the children there know, ‘We care about you and we’re not forgetting you.’ It’s like getting a hug from one child to another.”

You can help by making a donation to the Kids-For-Kids program.

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