Quantcast Vegetarian StarMadonna Daughter Lourdes Leon Gives Stella McCartney Advice

Madonna Daughter Lourdes Leon Gives Stella McCartney Advice

Written by Vegetarian Star on March 31st, 2010 in Fashion.

'Nine' New York Premiere

Madonna is set to release her new teen clothing line named Material Girl.

The 1980s Material Girl probably got teenage daughter Lourdes Leon‘s advice on the new line, considering every other fashion designer does.

Madonna told US Magazine, “She also comes to my photo and video shoots, pulls outfits together and gives her input to a lot of my fashion-designer friends. Whether it’s Marc Jacobs or Stella McCartney, they always ask her what she thinks.”

If Lourdes gives Stella McCartney the thumbs up or down, she may be one step ahead of her mother’s sense of style by appreciating fashions created without leather or fur.

Madonna was criticized a few years back for wearing a fur coat made from chinchillas.

Lourdes played a big part in the Material Girl clothing line.

“I’ve been involved in business meetings, but Lola’s really doing the work. I just sit in the corner on my BlackBerry.”

Let’s hope Lourdes continues to take the wheel in this teen fashion line and steer far away from any from the animal hide lane.

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One Response to “Madonna Daughter Lourdes Leon Gives Stella McCartney Advice”

  1. arno gavard Says:

    I have questions for you. Firstly can you confirm that the material girl clothing line is vegan ? I am very curious about it since Lola and M are stella Mc cartney’s friends.
    Also do you think madonna wears only fake fur. i think sh’s not the worst star about fur, but still she can be seen sometimes with fur garnments?

    XO’s from paris !