Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Food Inc.” On PBS–Organize The Vegan Potluck Now

“Food Inc.” On PBS–Organize The Vegan Potluck Now

Written by Vegetarian Star on March 26th, 2010 in Film & TV, Food & Drink.

food_inc (2)

If you haven’t picked up the DVD copy of Food Inc., here’s your chance to view it for free.

PBS will be broadcasting the Oscar nominated film about the origins of food on April 21st.

The network suggests you invite others over and hold a potluck while viewing the film and Vegan.com goes further to suggest a get together void of meat, poultry, fish, eggs and dairy.

Heck, yeah.

Who’s bringing the vegan nacho cheese dip?

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One Response to ““Food Inc.” On PBS–Organize The Vegan Potluck Now”

  1. Kirstie Alley Praises “Food Inc.” On Twitter Says:

    […] of food while highlighting small, organic farms as a better alternative, Food Inc. can be viewed for free on PBS on April […]