Quantcast Vegetarian StarPETA Looking For Sex (.com)

PETA Looking For Sex (.com)

Written by Vegetarian Star on March 18th, 2010 in Business, Food & Drink.

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Dom Partners is auctioning off the domain name “Sex.com” and animal rights group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals is looking to get in on the, um, “action.”

PETA is hoping the organization will donate the website to the group, which will automatically draw tons of traffic to the site that will promote sex, illustrating how a vegetarian diet can only make it better by using saucy script and humorous eroticism.

From PETA:

“Visitors to sex.com would be exposed to PETA’s saucy campaigns, which point out, for example, the following:

  • Meat-loving men tend to limp through their later years thanks to their artery-clogging diets.
  • Nobody likes an eight-second ride.
  • Many Hollywood hardbodies are hardnosed about not exploiting animals for their flesh and fur.”

PETA currently uses a domain called “meat.org,” which employs similar tactics in that web users who might be looking for information on meat are surprisingly educated about factory farming.

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One Response to “PETA Looking For Sex (.com)”

  1. Mike Mann May Give PETA Sex (.com) For 50 Million Dollar Donation Says:

    […] previously reported, the animal rights group requested that the domain name “sex.com” be donated to them in […]