Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Jack’s Mannequin” Andrew McMahon Not Veggie Anymore

Andrew McMahon Visits fuse TV's "Distortion"

Andrew McMahon, musician for the bands Something’s Corporate and Jack’s Mannequin, tried going veg on his last tour, but that lasted as long as a one hit wonder.

From The Phillyist:

We understand that you went vegetarian on that tour, so we have to ask: Did you have trouble resisting the urge to head to Jim’s for a greasy, diet-busting cheesesteak?

“I guess I break all sorts of promises in Philly. Haha. I’m definitely not a veggie anymore, though I do lean that direction. [But] I’ve never been a red meat dude, so cheesesteaks aren’t really my thing, as sacrilegious as that is to admit to a local.”

Vegetarian Star would love to say what happens in Philly stays in Philly, but unfortunately, it gets published on blogs that like to talk about musicians that give into greasesteaks when no one is looking.

Luckily, Andrew’s flexitarian ways that bend him more towards vegetarianism save him from being completely ribbed.

Andrew and the rest of Jack’s Mannequin will be performing at the Electric Factory in Philly. Tickets are sold out, but if you offer someone in the city a great tasting faux cheesesteak, you might score yourself a seat.

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