Quantcast Vegetarian StarTwiggy Disappointed By Fur At London Fashion Show

Twiggy Disappointed By Fur At London Fashion Show

Written by Vegetarian Star on February 24th, 2010 in Fashion, Fur.

Celebrities Attend Marks And Spencer Shop Opening

Twiggy isn’t happy about the use of fur at this year’s London Fashion Week, and cites a new investigation by Animal Defenders International as a reason to boycott both fur and the designers who use it.

“I hope this ADI report helps the fashion industry realise that these poor animals are kept in such terrible and inhumane conditions,” said Twiggy, who’s real name is Lesley Hornby. “Is it really worth this cruelty just for fashion’s sake? I don’t think so.”

The new report details the conditions the animals are kept in at factory farms in Finland, a supplier to the UK.

Twiggy called using 20 foxes or 80 mink to make a single coat “intolerably cruel.”

“I am very sad that some designers are still using real fur when the fake alternatives are so effective and so easily obtainable,” she said.

The Daily Mail says fashion experts are reporting that Peter Pilotto, Caroline Charles, Matthew Williamson and Todd Lynn are all still using fur.

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One Response to “Twiggy Disappointed By Fur At London Fashion Show”

  1. debby Says:

    I love Twiggy! A loving lady with true class!