Quantcast Vegetarian Star“The Superions” Fred Schneider On “Who Threw That Ham At Me”

2009 Whitney Museum of American Art's Gala

Fred Schneider of the B-52s hooked up with Noah Brodie and Dan Marshall to form The Superions in 2006.

Their latest song, Who Threw That Ham At Me, has Schneider, Brodie and Marshall disagreeing on what makes a good meal.

“Who doesn’t love a juicy, fatty, salty, canned ham covered in pineapple slices and those red dye #2 cherries?” said Marshall, in an interview with Music Remedy.

“I don’t” said Schneider. “I’m a vegetarian.”

“Where’s the sweet potatoes with marshmallows?” asked Brodie.

Can’t blame Scheidner for turning down an entree of pig and artificial coloring.

But sweet potatoes and marshmallows sound great, as long as those marshmallows are the vegan kind like Sweet and Sara or Dandies.

In case you didn’t already think eating meat is close to criminal, the idea for Who Threw That Ham At Me makes the case even more believable as Schneider says the song is all about shoplifting.

“It’s based on a true story someone told someone I know,” he said.

“I saw a woman in a movie stick a big steak down her pants” added Noah.

Whether or not meat causes crime rates to increase has yet to be determined.

The Superions self titled EP on Happy Happy Birthday To Me Records is available through iTunes.

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