Quantcast Vegetarian StarAFI Davey Havok Bad British Food Experience

AFI Davey Havok Bad British Food Experience

Written by Vegetarian Star on January 21st, 2010 in Food & Drink, Male Musicians, Male Singers.

AFI Visits fuse TV's "Distortion"

Traveling to a foreign country is exciting, but challenging.

In between recovering from jet lag and studying the “How To Learn X Language” book in the car, there’s barely enough time to find good food.

AFI‘s Davey Havok says he had a problem eating vegan in London, but not due to lack of food establishments.

“I figured there would be lots of vegetarian restaurants out there, and there are Indian restaurants and there are a few vegetarian restaurants,” Havok told Vancouver’s Straight. “It’s just that they’re not good. It’s still British.”


Don’t offend any vegan British fans there, Dave.

They probably already know where to get good meatless grub like falafel at Hummus Bros or the seitan stroganoff at the 222 Veggie/Vegan.

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