Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Brothers & Sisters” Rachel Griffith Negotiates Vegetarian

“Brothers & Sisters” Rachel Griffith Negotiates Vegetarian

Written by Vegetarian Star on January 19th, 2010 in Film & TV, Food & Drink.

LA Philharmonic Opening Night Gala

A recent episode of Brothers & Sisters titled “Run Baby Run,” had Rachel Griffith‘s character, Sarah Walker, discussing with a coffee date how she talked her daughter into switching back from vegan to vegetarian.

“She declared herself a vegan,” Sarah said.

“I negotiated her back up to a vegetarian. It’s not that I don’t respect her moral choice, I just don’t know what to feed her.”

Hmm…Seems strange that an MBA holding woman, co-president of a food company and owner of Greenatopia, a website about eco-friendly living can’t figure out what to feed her vegan daughter.

Let’s not forget that brief stint she had as CFO at a green foods startup company.

It’s high time Sarah Walker put as much energy investing in vegan cookbooks as she does in the business world.

And can Ojai Foods get more ready made vegan products?

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