Quantcast Vegetarian StarPaul McCartney Nancy Shevell Getting Married

Paul McCartney Nancy Shevell Getting Married

Written by Vegetarian Star on January 14th, 2010 in Couples.

Stella McCartney - Paris Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2010

Rumor has it that Paul McCartney will tie the knot with his girlfriend of almost three years, Nancy Shevell.

According to SF Gate, a source told Britain’s Daily Express, “Paul and Nancy’s relationship is rock solid and there’s no mad hurry for a wedding. Next year has certainly been mentioned as the most likely time, but neither of them want some big hoo-ha (fuss). It’s almost certainly going to be done very discreetly over in the U.S. and Paul would ideally like to do it without any publicity beforehand. Whether he could pull that off is another matter.”

There’s no rush for a wedding?

Maybe Paul’s waiting for Nancy to give up the pork chops completely before putting a ring on it.

Since dating the former Beatle, Nancy has been spotted dining on vegetarian food.

And some sources stated she even changed her political views and started buying more cruelty-free fashion since dating Paul.

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One Response to “Paul McCartney Nancy Shevell Getting Married”

  1. Victoria S Says:

    Let’s just hope it’s true. I wish Paul all the best, because that is what he deserves. Anyone who loves him would want that for him…
    Love and Happiness!