Quantcast Vegetarian StarJason Mraz 2010 Goal–Buy Local, Organic, Natural Foods

95.5 WPLJ-FM Presents The 18th Annual Scott & Todd Live Broadcast

Jason Mraz has five commitments he’d like to stick to in the next year and decade that he shared with fans on his blog.

Jason would like to focus on local, organic and natural foods and gives factory farmed meat a good lashing.

“Did you know that processing one pound of meat requires 5000 gallons of water? Did you know that 1 cow used to produce fast food and grocery store ground beef requires 35 gallons of oil (1 barrel) to support it’s force–fed life? Did you know that cows are natural herbivores (grass grazers) and are force fed corn feed, cow parts and other animal bi-products to speed up the process to where they are fat enough to be slaughtered?  Buying quick and easy meat is like biting the hand that feeds you. Modern industrial agri-business is THE #1 contributor to the dying world.”

But a closer look at his post makes you wonder if the otherwise known as mostly vegan Jason is more tolerant of naturally raised meat.

“If we all shifted our attention back to grass-fed meat, we would be supporting farms that participate in a natural turning of land, from sunlight to grass, grass to proteins, protein to fertilizer, rinse and repeat. Not to mention, we would be treating our divine bodies better.”

Once a raw vegan who then claimed to have some occasional hot soup and (possibly) joking about eating a fish taco now and then.

Has Jason become a flexitarian?

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