Quantcast Vegetarian StarVegetarian Food Porn Courtesy The Huffington Post (Photo)

Vegetarian Food Porn Courtesy The Huffington Post (Photo)

Written by Vegetarian Star on January 6th, 2010 in Food & Drink.

Eating strawberries

Ever wonder what it feels like to get a digital camera close up of the Boca Burger?

Are you a regular bacon person who always wanted to secretly look at soy bacon, but felt dirty about cheating?

Check out the Huffington Post’s slide on “Fake Meats: The Delicious and Dirty” to see how burgers, hot dogs and other faux meats can turn you on without turning your cholesterol level up.

Says the Post:

“We support how a vegetarian lifestyle can be good for the planet, but we also are proponents of eating real food, rather than food science projects. We’ve compiled some of the best and worst fake meats out there.”

To view the best (and the worst) visit huffingtonpost.com.

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