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Little Red Riding Hood And The Vegetarian Wolf

Written by Vegetarian Star on January 3rd, 2010 in Books, Children, Food & Drink.

The True Story of Little Red Riding Hood

The True Story of Little Red Riding Hood

Children’s books are getting more progressive and politically correct these days.

The big bad wolf in The True Story of Little Red Riding Hood can now be vegetarian and skip the treat of human meat while Little Red searches for vegetarian recipes.

Sounds hilarious enough, but not everyone is happy with the rewrites of traditional children’s stories.

The Mail Online wrote an article titled, Children Won’t Digest Tales of Feeble Vegetarian Wolves, in which it stated:

“What is so staggering is the sheer audacity of the people who come up with these new versions. It’s like the trendy Anglican clerics who took it upon themselves in the early 1960s to knock out an ‘improved’ version of the King James Bible. Yet just as we allow our local vicars to get away with using the enfeebled modernised Bible, so we let bookshops get away with flogging emaciated versions of children’s classics.”

A vegetarian wolf is far from emaciated.

What better way to teach children about healthy eating (not to mention non violent behavior) than to have the villainous wolf eat vegetables and forgo flesh.

This wolf should be portrayed living longer than his other wolf neighbors, paying less out of pocket expenses for his health care and scoring more with the female wolves as he misses out on the effects of eating cholesterol and fat filled human meat that will ultimately lead to his impotence.

Oh, wait. This is a children’s book. Healthy body, less doctor visits, but no impotence.

Perhaps other renditions of classic tales have adulterated the originals.

But the big, bad vegetarian wolf and his broccoli should stay.

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3 Responses to “Little Red Riding Hood And The Vegetarian Wolf”

  1. Another installment of What I’ve Been Reading « Adventures of a Vegan Foodie Says:

    […] Another vegetarian/vegan children’s book. This one entitled “The True Story of Little Red Riding Hood” in which the wolf is vegetarian and the wolf is vegetarian so instead of threatening to eat Little […]

  2. Elaine Vigneault Says:

    That reviewer should meet a few wolves and then argue against vegetarian wolves.

    PS – my little wolves are veg-heads. My dogs LOVE sweet veggies like carrots and corn.

  3. dave Says:

    totally crazy, We all know that if a wolf ate only vegtables it would die, as a meat eating carnivore relies on ketosis for energy not Carb,s
    God why can whimpy vegitarians just not except that a wolf (in this case a (big BAD wolf) would want to eat us humans?
    for one he is a BAD character
    and for two he is a giant wolf who likes to eat meat?

    Its natural and its up to us to watch out for the big bad wolf and not be on his menu!
    now if he gets greedy and starts eating to many of us despite our caution to avoid conflict, we all get together and kick his ass,
    (hence the wood cutter comes and kills the wolf)
    If you take all this out of the story you may as well just eat your veg and line up to the next concentration camp you will get sent to for being a wuss, and not having the back bone to stomach real life conflict agaist real life preadators,

    the big bad wolf,s live amoung us !
    learn about them don,t white wash the stories with idealistic crap