Quantcast Vegetarian StarAl Gore–Green Man Of The Decade

Al Gore–Green Man Of The Decade

Written by Vegetarian Star on December 27th, 2009 in Environment-Eco-Green, Food & Drink, Politicians.

UN Climate Change Summit Enters Final Week

If you’re wondering what the top veggie stories of 2009 will be, have patience!

The big newsbreaker may come on December 31.

In the meantime, take a look at the top green stories of the decade provide by grist.org, which practically names Al Gore as a green savior of the decade.

“After a short, bearded, self-imposed exile, he made a simple decision: if climate change is the greatest danger to humanity, something he’d been discouraged from saying for most of his electoral career, then he would say so. He set about spreading the word in characteristic nerdy, earnest fashion, with a slide show, a patient explanation, and four gazillion frequent flier miles.”

What’s even greater than his Inconvenient Truths or big green balls, however, is the fact that good ol’ Al is going in the veg direction.

After being chided for not bringing up the effects of meat on the environment, Gore finally said it straight.

“It’s absolutely correct that the growing meat intensity of diets around the world is one of the issues connected to this global crisis – not only because of the CO2 involved, but also because of the water consumed in the process,” Gore told ABC television.

“I’m not a vegetarian, but I have cut back sharply on the meat that I eat,” he added.

Crossing the fingers Gore goes all the way in 2010!

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