Quantcast Vegetarian StarMorrissey Meaty Thanksgiving Email Upsets The Moz

Morrissey Meaty Thanksgiving Email Upsets The Moz

Written by Vegetarian Star on December 21st, 2009 in Food & Drink, Male Singers.

Los Premios MTV 2009 - Show

Someone might have gotten themselves canned.

It’s no secret Morrissey has threatened to fire employees who eat meat on the job.

And when a Thanksgiving message from his employees to fans mentioned eating turkey, he had to have hit the roof.

To rub more salt in the wound, a post Thanksgiving memo was sent from an online store that sold Morrissey items stating, “Thanksgiving is over, so put down those turkey legs!”

Like, those legs should have never been picked up to begin with.

The store issued an apology stating, “Webstore wishes to apologise to Morrissey mailing list members who may have seen the mass email advertisement that was sent out after Thanksgiving which mentioned eating turkey. Morrissey is a strict vegetarian and abhors the killing of defence-less animals.”

via contactmusic

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