Quantcast Vegetarian StarLisa Simpson Or Apu-Who Would You Rather

Lisa Simpson Or Apu-Who Would You Rather

Written by Vegetarian Star on October 21st, 2009 in Polls/Surveys, Pop Culture, Who Would You.

The Simpsons recently highlighted the dangers of eating meat during their Halloween special, Don’t Have A Cow, Mankind.

Both Lisa Simpson and Apu are the vegetarians on the show and Apu sells veggie dogs at his Kwik-E-Mart.

Between the two, who would you rather…

Apu "The Simpsons"

Apu "The Simpsons"

Lisa Simpson "The Simpsons"

Lisa Simpson "The Simpsons"

Who Would You Rather Do Veggie Burger Lunch With?

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One Response to “Lisa Simpson Or Apu-Who Would You Rather”

  1. Friday Link Dump – Video Clips Edition « Dead Homer Society Says:

    […] Lisa Simpson Or Apu-Who Would You Rather – This is an internet poll for vegetarians as in, “Who would you rather have vegetable lunch with?”  We posted this on Twitter but I thought it deserved a second look.  Lisa is killing Apu right now, which I don’t get.  A worldly guy like Apu seems like he’d be better conversation than a know it all eight year old, but that’s just me.  […]