Quantcast Vegetarian StarGail Elliot Drops Fur From “Little Joe” Label

Gail Elliot Drops Fur From “Little Joe” Label

Written by Vegetarian Star on October 20th, 2009 in Fashion, Fur.

Terry Biviano Store Launch Party

Sydney designer and former supermodel Gail Elliot has decided to say good-bye to fur and get faux real instead.

Elliot has dropped fur from her upcoming winter range of her Little Joe label of fashions.

Elliot had been the target of animal rights groups like PETA in the past for her collections that included signature fur vests, which have been adored by celebrities such as Elle MacPherson.

Great job, Gail.

We’re crossing our bunny ears she’ll never go back.

via dailytelegraph.com

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One Response to “Gail Elliot Drops Fur From “Little Joe” Label”

  1. Alana Says:

    Never heard of this designer before, but I don’t always keep up with fashion.

    Good for her. Hopefully, she’s also had a change of heart and is not just scared of the activism that’s come her way.