Quantcast Vegetarian StarPhil Brabbs, Michigan Football Star, Battling Multiple Myeloma

Phil Brabbs University of Michigan

Phil Brabbs University of Michigan

A former University of Michigan star football player is battling multiple myeloma.

But Phil Brabbs, who gained fame for kicking a 44 yard just as time expired to give the Wolverines a 31-29 win over Washington in 2002, considers himself to be in the best shape of his life.

He is also a vegetarian.

“There are a lot of parallels that I use from that situation to what I’m facing now,” Brabbs said, according to mlive.com. “I missed the first kick, which was like when I got a blood clot. Then I missed my second one and got pulled, which was like when I was diagnosed with multiple myeloma.”

Brabbs started chemotherapy this week and is also up for a stem cell transplant.

Stay strong and eat well, Phil.

It’s never been more important.

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