Quantcast Vegetarian StarElle Macpherson School Run: Fur Real Or Fur Fake

Elle Macpherson School Run: Fur Real Or Fur Fake

Written by Vegetarian Star on October 5th, 2009 in Fur, Models.

Elle Macpherson does the school run wearing her sunglasses in the rain - London

Model Elle MacPherson was snapped coming from a school, more than likely after dropping her children off for the day.

Elle’s fashion sense consisted of sunglasses and this jacket with furry sleeves and collar.

Not all supermodels are vain, but we sure hope Elle’s a fake and she’s not wearing real fur.

Elle was criticized in the past for signing a deal with Blackglama, and was reportedly terrified of anti-fur activist so much she wanted Blackglama to cancel the shoot and not publicize the photographs.

Want do you think?

Is Elle fur real? Or is she faking it?

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2 Responses to “Elle Macpherson School Run: Fur Real Or Fur Fake”

  1. Veggie XXX Says:

    You would think it would be fake if she were that “terrified” of getting bad mouths or some occasional “flour” thrown on her, hahaha.

    But since she hasn’t been under their radar in awhile…

  2. Elle MacPherson Uses Endangered Rhino For Horn Powder Says:

    […] Apparently Elle hasn’t learned her lesson from her last encounter with activists for wearing fur. […]