Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Mouthful: Stella McCartney Runs Entire Ethical Gamut

Stella McCartney at 'The Corner' in Berlin, Germany

“We often say that we are not perfect, but at the same time, more and more people like to talk about this side of our brand. There are definitely other aspects to consider. There are organic fabrics, low impact dyes. My fashions are mainly made in Italy, so child labor is not an issue for us. We work a lot on fair trade. The first question that comes up when we open a store is ‘Can we use wind power?’ Sometimes we can, sometimes we can’t. Because it’s a mindset, it comes quite naturally.”

—-Stella McCartney, in an interview with Above Magazine, on the ethical issues besides not using leather or fur, on maintaining an ethical fashion line.

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One Response to “Meatless Mouthful: Stella McCartney Runs Entire Ethical Gamut”

  1. Stella McCartney Milan Store Aiming For LEED Certification Says:

    […] use leather or fur in any of her collections routinely makes decisions in her business to reach a higher level of ethics, which include using organic cotton, low impact dyes and manufacturing in countries that do not use […]