Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Fuel” And Josh Tickell Vegetable Oil Powered Van Adventures


A new film that tackles the issue of America’s dependency on foreign oil, Fuel, is screening in theatres across the country.

During the film, director Josh Tickell, rides across the nation in a vegetable oil powered van interviewing politicians, celebrity activists, and academics on a variety of alternative energy issues.

Know who else rides around in a veggie oil powered set of wheels?

Fred Mascherino, ex guitarist for Taking Back Sunday and creator of musical project, The Color Fred.

We bet Fred keeps his pants on while driving though.

For more information, and to find out where Fuel is screening near you, visit fuelfilm.com.

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One Response to ““Fuel” And Josh Tickell Vegetable Oil Powered Van Adventures”

  1. Alex Says:

    Even better, screw the veggie oil van and get on a bike.

    And really be naked.
