Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Mouthful: Bobby Rock On Vegan World Transition



“Regarding people, it’s all about transition. Just like any technology or product that is replaced by a better or newer one, there is always a transition that happens. The old (animal products) company would gradually let people go as the demand for their products decreases, while the new (vegan products/plant-based foods) company would gradually hire more folks as their demand increases. Of course, sometimes it’s messy, and there’s a disproportionate amount of firings to hirings. But this transition will NOT happen overnight. So I think we would see a gradual shift as described here.”

“Regarding animals, there are two main points to remember; the only reason we have the 15+ billion farm animals going through the system each year is because humans have gone to tremendous extremes to unnaturally breed these animals. So, again, as the demand lessens, so will their extreme “quotas” of reproduction.”

“Also, the overwhelming majority of these billions are chickens, and if a chicken has been raised as a “broiler” for food, then their life span would typically be only one year, presuming they were spared a trip to the slaughterhouse in this transition scenario. But truthfully, I think the transition will be gradual enough that they will cut back on the rate of breeding long before they would have all of these farm animals just hanging around somewhere.”

—-drummer Bobby Rock from his blog, on the fate of people and animals if the world turned vegan.

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One Response to “Meatless Mouthful: Bobby Rock On Vegan World Transition”

  1. Brent Says:

    I like his idea. Let’s not forget about the green jobs that could also be made available to former animal agriculture/factory farm workers.