Quantcast Vegetarian StarJustin Bieber: “My World” Includes Compassion For Animals

Justin Bieber: “My World” Includes Compassion For Animals

Written by Vegetarian Star on September 25th, 2009 in Animal Issues, Male Singers.


Justin Bieber is a rising R&B star from Canada with his latest album, My World, that includes his hit single, One Time, hitting the stores November 17.

Justin has teamed up with PETA to create this PSA advocating compassion to animals, which includes adoption.

“My Dad and I used to go and hang out … just go and visit the different animals and stuff,” Justin said. “It’s really important that people adopt. I really encourage going out to an animal shelter or a place where you can get a dog that has been abandoned or doesn’t have a home.”

Bet thousands of screaming teenage girl fans would love to be adopted by Justin, too.

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